Syntax for Method:
AccessSpecifier AccessModifier ReturnType methodName(DataType var1, DataType var2,... ) throws Exception {
//Body of the method
Access Specifiers:
Method Overloading:
Method Overloading is a feature that allows a class to have two or more methods having same name but argument lists are different.
Rules of Method Overloading:
Add method with no arguments
Add method with 2 arguments of type byte
Add method with 2 arguments of type float
Add method with 3 arguments of type int
Add method with 2 arguments of type float
Add method with 2 arguments of type double
Add method with 2 arguments of type float and double
Add method with 2 arguments of type double and float
Example 2: Create overloaded methods to find area of Geometrical figure with different signature?
Area of Square is: 9
Area of Square is: 25.0
Area of Square is: 36.0
Area of Triangle is 7
Area of Cube is 22
Area of Cube is 22.0
Area of Cube is 22.0
Area of Cube is 22.0
AccessSpecifier AccessModifier ReturnType methodName(DataType var1, DataType var2,... ) throws Exception {
//Body of the method
Access Specifiers:
- default: accessible to the package
- public: accessible to all
- protected: accessible to package and subclasses
- private: Accessible to class only
- static: creating class level methods and class level variables
- abstract: creating abstract classes and methods
- final class: cannot inheritable
- final method: cannot be overridden
- final variable: After initialize cannot change the value
- synchronized and volatile: used in Multi-Threading
- boolean
- byte, short, int and long
- char and String
- float and double
- void
public static int add(int num1, int num2){
int sum = num1 + num2;
return sum;
int sum = num1 + num2;
return sum;
Method Overloading:
Method Overloading is a feature that allows a class to have two or more methods having same name but argument lists are different.
Rules of Method Overloading:
- No of arguments is different
- Data type of the arguments is different
- Order of the arguments is different
Example 1: Create overloaded methods to find addition of 2 or 3 numbers various data types?
public class MethodOverloading {
public static void main(String[] args) {
add(10, 20);
add(100l, 200l);
add(10, 20, 30);
add(12.5f, 12.5f);
add(25.5, 24.5);
add(2.5f, 7.5);
add(14.5, 5.5f);
public static void add(){
System.out.println("Add method with no arguments");
public static int add(byte a, byte b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type byte");
return a + b;
public static int add(short a, short b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of short short");
return a + b;
public static int add(int a, int b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type int");
return a + b;
public static float add(float a, float b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type float");
return a + b;
public static double add(double a, double b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type double");
return a + b;
public static double add(double a, float b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type double and float");
return a + b;
public static double add(float a, double b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type float and double");
return a + b;
public static int add(int a, int b,int c){
System.out.println("Add method with 3 arguments of type int");
return a + b + c;
public class MethodOverloading {
public static void main(String[] args) {
add(10, 20);
add(100l, 200l);
add(10, 20, 30);
add(12.5f, 12.5f);
add(25.5, 24.5);
add(2.5f, 7.5);
add(14.5, 5.5f);
public static void add(){
System.out.println("Add method with no arguments");
public static int add(byte a, byte b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type byte");
return a + b;
public static int add(short a, short b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of short short");
return a + b;
public static int add(int a, int b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type int");
return a + b;
public static float add(float a, float b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type float");
return a + b;
public static double add(double a, double b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type double");
return a + b;
public static double add(double a, float b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type double and float");
return a + b;
public static double add(float a, double b){
System.out.println("Add method with 2 arguments of type float and double");
return a + b;
public static int add(int a, int b,int c){
System.out.println("Add method with 3 arguments of type int");
return a + b + c;
Add method with no arguments
Add method with 2 arguments of type byte
Add method with 2 arguments of type float
Add method with 3 arguments of type int
Add method with 2 arguments of type float
Add method with 2 arguments of type double
Add method with 2 arguments of type float and double
Add method with 2 arguments of type double and float
Example 2: Create overloaded methods to find area of Geometrical figure with different signature?
class AreaOfGeometricFigure{
void area(){
int area(int s){
return s * s;
float area(float s){
return s * s;
double area(double s){
return s * s;
void area(int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
double area(int b, double h){
return (b * h)/2;
double area(double b, int h){
return (b * h)/2;
double area(double b, double h){
return (b * h)/2;
void area(float b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + (b * h));
void area(double b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + (b * h));
void area(int l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(double l, double b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(double l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, double b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, int b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
public class OverLoading{
public static void main(String[] args){
AreaOfGeometricFigure obj = new AreaOfGeometricFigure();
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(3));
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(5.0));
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(6.0F));
class AreaOfGeometricFigure{
void area(){
int area(int s){
return s * s;
float area(float s){
return s * s;
double area(double s){
return s * s;
void area(int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
void area(float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is " + (b * h)/2);
double area(int b, double h){
return (b * h)/2;
double area(double b, int h){
return (b * h)/2;
double area(double b, double h){
return (b * h)/2;
void area(float b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + (b * h));
void area(double b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is " + (b * h));
void area(int l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(double l, double b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(double l, int b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, double b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, int b, double h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(int l, float b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, int b, float h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
void area(float l, float b, int h){
System.out.println("Area of Cube is " + 2*(l*b + b*h + h*l));
public class OverLoading{
public static void main(String[] args){
AreaOfGeometricFigure obj = new AreaOfGeometricFigure();
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(3));
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(5.0));
System.out.println("Area of Square is: " + obj.area(6.0F));
Area of Square is: 9
Area of Square is: 25.0
Area of Square is: 36.0
Area of Triangle is 7
Area of Cube is 22
Area of Cube is 22.0
Area of Cube is 22.0
Area of Cube is 22.0
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